Dundee Gingerbread
This is a traditional Scottish recipe and you will need to decide how you’d like to adjust it to modern ingredients and methods.
You will need:
– 3 cup fulls of flour
– 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
– 2 oz. butter
– 3 tablespoonfuls syrup
– 1 tablespoonful dried egg
– 1 teaspoonful of ground ginger
– 1 teacupful of milk
– 4 tablespoonsful of treacle
– 1 teaspoonful of baking soda
– 6 oz. fruit (if desired)
1. Put the milk, syrup, treacle, and margarine into a pan and dissolve slowly.
2. Sieve the flour and spices into a basin.
3. Add the liquid from the pan, the egg mixture, and beat for a minute before adding the fruit.
4. Turn into a paper-ined and greased tin and bake in a rather slow oven for about 2 hours. If fruit is added, have a moderate oven.